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Physician Billing

Navigating Complexity, Simplifying Operations.

The purpose of physician billing is to bill the claims and get reimbursement for the medical services provided by physicians to insured patients. The arena of physician billing is riddled with intricate billing regulations, dynamic staffing needs, and ever-changing software updates. Even when a claim registers as “paid” by Medicare, there’s no guarantee that you’ve received the accurate reimbursement you’re entitled to. This is where our dedicated Physician Billing services step in to help. Our fee structure is designed to align with results – we only charge a percentage of what we successfully collect for you.

We recognize that your agency’s financial well-being is paramount, and our risk-free approach reflects this commitment. You only pay us when Medicare pays you.

At ZMed Billing, we strive for:

● Usage of specific ICD 10 diagnostic codes
● Procedure codes with correct modifiers
● The right order of doctor names with NPI
● Patient details
● Authorization number – Compared to what is on the payer’s site
● Payer ID – Merger is a constant issue with respect to correct payer ID

● Making sure the claim goes to the insurance (checking DDE for every claim).
● Making sure T status is checked within 3 days.
● Making sure T(returned), R(Rejected), D(Denied) and P 328(Auto Canceled) are followed up within a week.
● Basic spreadsheet payment posting for easy access to the provider(s) for not having any software dependency and for sharing with accountants.

Services we provide to Physician Billing